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Cypraeidae, HES - HIR
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    << HEL         HIS >>    
LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
98.5 mm, Lake Entrance discus
95.07 mm, BASS STRAIT SA king island discus
95 mm, Lake Entrance, S. Australia World Shells Italy
93 mm, Port fairy Victoria 60mt discus
90.8 mm, Lake Entrance discus
90.5 mm, Lake Entrance discus
84.1 mm, Victoria Australia discus
55.0 mm, Port Stephens, NSW, Australia Seashell Trader
96.2 mm, Disaster Bay, NSW, Australia Seashell Trader
96 mm, Eden, NSW, Australia ALGOABAY
95.5 mm, Lakes Entrance, VIC amorashells
93.4 mm, Lakes Entrance,Vic.Australia. percy
89.52 mm, Victoria,Australia percy
88.0 mm, Lakes Entrance,Vic.Australia. percy
85.32 mm, Victoria,Australia percy
89.8 mm, Australia Iceman-xv
90 mm, Victoria SE Australia bluewater
55.6 mm, East China sea, shelllover
51.8 mm, Tosa Bay - Japan Giuseppe
49.5 mm, Bohol - P.I.[R] Giuseppe
48 mm, Off Taiwan[R] ALGOABAY
38.6 mm, South China Sea.China percy
18 mm, Cebu, Philippines ALGOABAY
17.35-15.90 mm, Lombok Island, Indonesia NineStars
16.50 mm, Lombok Island, Indonesia NineStars
13.51-17.75 mm, Lombok Island, Indonesia NineStars
12.37-17.93 mm, Lombok Island, Indonesia NineStars
19.5 mm, Nadroga reef, Fiji ALGOABAY
17.74 mm, Lombok Island, Indonesia B-Store
20.1 mm, Capricorn Gr.,Cen.Qld.,Australia percy
16.6 mm, New Caledonia, Prony Bay. Shell
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